Growing... easy, be fruitful (ie. sex) and multiply = bigger family. However, there is more to growth than just numbers. There is growth in though, action, intention and healthy maturation. In the land of casseroles and hot dishes, passive religion, liberal individualism and crapy sports teams, I am becoming more and more conscious of outside influence and there potential effects on my family. Growing my family means to be a stronger influence than all outside influences combined. Example, any casserole containing cream of anything cannot compare to a pasta made with fresh, perishable and nutritious ingredients with a salad on the side (even though my taste buds say mashed potatoes with garlic for a side). Our lousy sports teams can teach us loyalty and and our passive religions can be used as a tool to teach passion. Finally, liberal individualism can be used to teach proper mockery.
Nurturing on the other hand can get really deep really quick. Keeping it simple, my desire is to teach Jesus and his works and plans in his creation. Everything follows on the footsteps of what my family believes about Jesus and the Bible. Reading, writing, arithmetic, athletics and music are all seen differently through the unencumbered lenses of faith. Love forms a new definition, passion takes on new meaning and sacrifice is done with a smile.
When we grow things, may it be basil and cilantro, cattle and goats, brewing beer and making wine, we always keep the growth of our family at the for-front of our minds. By the grace of God we will steward our families and our farms well.
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