While listening to messages by Mark Driscoll regarding 1 Peter I was reminded the importance of being grieved. It has been a long time since I have allowed myself to feel anything. I can now understand putting everything away temporarily in order to accomplish a task or objective, However; over the past year or so I have been so disconnected from emotion I do not feel much anymore. Most regrettably I am struggling with the feeling of eternal security found in Jesus Christ. There have been times where, in an analytical way, I have been able to discern things about myself that need drastic overhauls. 1 Peter states "In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials." My desire is not to be grieved but to praise God in all seasons of life. I want to rejoice with heart-felt, loving emotion. I will, Lord willing, avoid all selfishness and self pity to say in hard times "this is difficult but by the grace I have been gifted, I praise God and rejoice in the fact that He is sovereign."
Please go live a life filled with heart-felt emotion for your Savior Jesus Christ. Don't hide behind feel good verses and lie about what you are going through but rejoice. Take comfort that your trial is only for a short time.
To my Brothers, Sisters, Friends and enemies.
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