Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The sharpened blade of Faith.
At this time in my life I need to trust in the Lord like I never have before. After reading Genesis 22 I have realized my trust in God has been lacking. In the preceding chapters Sarah reflects my attitude better than that of Abraham. When God says he will provide I stand where I think he wont see and snicker to myself. The reality is, God is willing to take care of all our needs if we are to look to him. Even in the case of Sarah, God worked. This was not to accomplish any boasting in Sarah's life but to bring ultimate glory to himself. The faith I need is that of Abraham, A man submissive to the Lord. A great leader who was not afraid to display his faith no matter the manor asked of him. If you think about it the same day the lord asked him to take cold steel to his "man parts" he did so. Not only to himself but to the men around him that were 8 days old or older. The same displays of faith brought him to take a knife to his promised son with the intent to slaughter him. What would this kind of faith look like in 2008?
Friday, June 20, 2008
5 Minutes
While reading, My iTunes was jammin' out. A song came on I have listened to multiple times. The song was "5 Minutes" By KJ-52. The only difference was my reading of Matthew 26:36-46 (amazing how God uses numbers) while listening to it.
1) A soul extremely sorrowful, to the point of death. How does Jesus deal with this? Stress to the point of blood. Jesus has 3 friends wait and watch with him. We need to value the relationships God has divinely placed in our lives. We also need to ask for encouragement and help in times of sorrow and despair. More important is what Jesus does next, He prays. He pleads his case to God (this is of highest importance) while being submissive the entire time. "Not as I will, but as you will". How would we deal with friends that let you down? Vs. 40-41, Rebuke, command, and encourage. People will let you down! that is something you can be assured of "the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak". The three disciples are told to "watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation". What was their temptation? Was it sleep? Was it Satin working in another way? In either case they were to pray in order to combat temptation. Jesus prayed again, this time it was full submission to God the Father. I want to note the time it takes for a response and submission to authority. I know I have a hard time listening and responding when I finally do listen. It should be in the moment. Next, more prayer! I love this. Its not just one prayer, Jesus doesn't pray just once, he prays 3 times. (the number of times Peter denies Jesus, relation?) What's next? Jesus prepares his disciples (friends) for what's to come.
2) The joy of Jesus in a troubled time. How can we connect the two? Joy and sorrow. Hebrews 12:2 explains. "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Jesus had the joy that was set before him, not on the physical act we can see, but of the salvation of sinners which would reflect back to the Father for his glory. (Hebrews 2:11) How are we to respond to this great act of worship? Take up your cross daily. (Luke 9:23) Praise God like the psalmist in Psalm 98. Sing, clap, play an instrument to the Lord. Make joyful noise!
So, how did the song impact me? I was placed in the garden, watching this take place. My emotional state was not brought to the place it should have been. I was not broken. I was not crying. I was not in prayer. I did not have the heart of gratitude. I did not drop to my knees...
And now I repent
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Answers to Matthew 19:24

Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24 esv)
The controversy at work is the meaning of this verse. After reading ESV, NIV, KJV, NLT, and the Message, there is no wording that would indicate the eye of a needle is a gate in a wall that camels need to get down on all fours to pass through. Nor is it a gate in a barn.
So what is the true meaning? When Jesus says a needle, he means a needle. Artifact #2 in the top picture would be the needle used in the day of Jesus.
Try getting a camel through that (lower picture for the challenged). Why is this parable about an act that is impossible? Because it is read with a man centered view of the Bible.

Jesus continually said things in a way that was intended to get our attention. Read John 4:1-45 when Jesus talks to the woman at the well (particularly John 4 16-18) Jesus intentionally says things here in a way to get the women's attention.
When referring to the eye of a needle the word is used in the singular sense in all translations I have looked at. Unless there was only one "eye of a needle" gate this would not work.
Another reason this would not work is continuing on to verse 26 Jesus responded to the shock of the disciples saying "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible". If even Jesus says this is impossible why are we trying to translate it to mean it is difficult? Men freak out if there is something they cant do, so they have to view things in a way the end result can be obtained. Unfortunately the extent used in this case is the misinterpretation of scripture. Please don't read your Bible to honor yourself or tickle your ears. That is not what Jesus taught, He taught the glorification of God the father, Jesus the son, through the Holy Spirit in us. Please feel free to post comments and questions.
Proverbs 15:33
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A hedonist's treasure
What is the treasure for a worldly hedonist ? The dictionary defines it as the pursuit of pleasure, or sensual self-indulgence. When I think of an american hedonist, I think of the sinful pursuit of sexual lust, over-indulgence with alcohol, mind altering drugs (yes this includes marijuana) and money.
As christians we are to live contrary to the culture. Have lives set apart from the norm. This would lead to christian hedonism. How would we begin to define such a dominantly worldly expression? Matthew 13:44 I feel describes it through a short parable, "the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."
We are to forsake all the world says to find pleasure in. We are to joyfully trade in our old ways to treasure Jesus. Is this easy? At times yes, absolutely. Yet at times our treasure is not always Christ, this in turn, making it impossible to forsake the pleasures of the world. "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Luke 12:34)
Friday, June 13, 2008
The forgiven' duty
My life has been all about the experience of sinful indulgences. Some experiences conscious and others unintentional. Either with intent or not the act was never-the-less sinful. How much have I been forgiven not to forgive others. "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses." (Matthew 18:35) Where is it my duty other than to forgive those in my life? For all those I have ever committed a trespass against and to those I will inevitably hurt in the future I sincerely ask forgiveness. My intention as a man striving to live not in the flesh but the spirit, is to experience the supremacy of God in all life. This can only be obtained by seeking God above all things. "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13) "For thus says the LORD of the house of Israel: "Seek me and live"(Amos 5:4). My heart yearns for a sinless spotless life. Repentance is often. My flesh weak.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A hateful passion
A fleshly love for sin is constantly in battle with my spiritual love for Jesus. I don't for one minute desire to sin, so if that were the case, why is it I find myself knocking at the door of temptation?
I do love, the question that is frustrating my life is what or who will love more.
I ask Jesus for his work to rebuke me when my path seeks worldly pleasures. My need for redemption can only be realized through the word and work of Jesus.
may my hate take over when temptation is persistent. HATE for worldliness, may it be a great treasure!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Great fathers
After tonight I now have a better understanding of the value a great parent brings to a family. A dear friend brought this to my attention when he witnessed an incident in our drive thru tonight. After witnessing a father physically and mentally abuse his child it brought back horrific mental images from his child-hood.
After witnessing this I now know how valuable it is to have a Christ centered home. A place of safety for the children and wife.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Grace abounds
Who understands the full reaches of Grace?
I wish there could be full comprehension of this grace that has saved us.
We got the grace we did not deserve, because Christ died the death we should have died.
Now thanks to Gods gracious calling, we can live the life we never could have otherwise.
An alternative point of view
Prayer has been neglected to the point of social and economic decline in our political system. I do not go blameless in my comments, however I have come to realize, the need for transformation in my own heart. It is easy to make negative comments about our leaders. Easy to judge them, and the decisions they make (and they do make vary poor choices).
Now you need to ask yourself (myself included) when was the last time you went into broken hearted prayer for those in a position of authority? I almost don't want to write this due to the conviction it brings to my heart. I find it easy to pray for those I stand in agreement with, but impossible to pray for those who want to push an agenda I disagree with. I want to call you to take a minute and pray for someone who has been given authority over you, your city, your state, or your country.
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