Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24 esv)
The controversy at work is the meaning of this verse. After reading ESV, NIV, KJV, NLT, and the Message, there is no wording that would indicate the eye of a needle is a gate in a wall that camels need to get down on all fours to pass through. Nor is it a gate in a barn.
So what is the true meaning? When Jesus says a needle, he means a needle. Artifact #2 in the top picture would be the needle used in the day of Jesus.
Try getting a camel through that (lower picture for the challenged). Why is this parable about an act that is impossible? Because it is read with a man centered view of the Bible.

Jesus continually said things in a way that was intended to get our attention. Read John 4:1-45 when Jesus talks to the woman at the well (particularly John 4 16-18) Jesus intentionally says things here in a way to get the women's attention.
When referring to the eye of a needle the word is used in the singular sense in all translations I have looked at. Unless there was only one "eye of a needle" gate this would not work.
Another reason this would not work is continuing on to verse 26 Jesus responded to the shock of the disciples saying "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible". If even Jesus says this is impossible why are we trying to translate it to mean it is difficult? Men freak out if there is something they cant do, so they have to view things in a way the end result can be obtained. Unfortunately the extent used in this case is the misinterpretation of scripture. Please don't read your Bible to honor yourself or tickle your ears. That is not what Jesus taught, He taught the glorification of God the father, Jesus the son, through the Holy Spirit in us. Please feel free to post comments and questions.
Proverbs 15:33
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