Friday, December 16, 2011

5 Minute Gospel

A challenge to present the gospel, in an effective way, before you lose your audience was presented in our discipleship group last Wednesday. No presentation of the gospel is perfect, but it is the Holy Spirit that holds the power to change hearts and lives.


In the beginning God created everything that is. Everything was created to the glorification of God the creator. In His creation there was mankind, whom were given free will. In this free will mankind chose to sin and essentially say they knew a better way. This transgression has separated us from a holy and righteous God.

The consequences have since been passed down from generation to generation to all mankind, and creating separating form God and his creation. Because God is a good God and a just God, there is a price for sin, and the price is death and the pouring out of blood.

Because God is a good and loving God, He has sent His one and only Son, whom He loves, named Jesus, to live a perfect life so He can be a perfect sacrifice.  In the death of Jesus the sins of the world were assigned to him for the payment of sin, requiring death, could be fully satisfied.

On the third day Jesus rose from death to prove sin, satin, death and Hell have been conquered, clearing a way for humanity to worship God. Trusting in the death of Jesus, accepting the free gift of salvation is simply the only way to God the Father.

One day Jesus will return, calling His followers to Heaven, spending eternity in glory. For those who reject Him, He will damn to an eternity in a tortuous hell.


In no way is this a perfect representation of the gospel. The perfect representation of the gospel can only be found the the 66 books that make up the gospel. The Holy Bible.

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